We are pleased to inform you that during the next week, a very limited new edition of CP and Medway Kbs wagons will arrive at your usual store or Sudexpress reseller.
References Available:
CP Kbs wagons:
- S333015
- S333063
Medway Kbs wagons:
- S333018
- S333023
For more information, please consult page 89 of our catalog or contact your usual store or
Your Sudexpress Team.
We are pleased to inform you that during the next week, a very limited new edition of CP Gbkks “COPAZ” wagons and the CP U luggage wagon will arrive at your usual store or Sudexpress reseller.
References Available:
CP Gbkks “COPAZ” wagons:
- S154014
- S154071
CP U luggage wagon:
- S941005
For more information, please consult page 78 of our catalog or contact your usual store or
Your Sudexpress Team.
It is with great pleasure that we announce that during the next week there will be new Stadler EuroDual BR159 models available, as well as some references already sold out or previously announced.
To know wich models and/or versions will be arriving soon, please check the list of references below.
For more informations, please contact your usual store or reseller.
Your Sudepxress team.
Items out for delivery
Sudexpress scale model trains
H0, N and TT scale Novelties 2023-2024
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