Sudexpress News

Wascosa Tanpps

Wascosa Tanpps

We are pleased to share the first images of the finished 3D CAD drawing of the Wascosa Tanpps wagons in H0 scale, as a proof of our continuous work, effort and commitment to the announced products in our 2023-2024 Novelties Catalogue (pages 74 to 75).

In the upcoming months expect more news and information regarding the Wascosa Tanpps wagons project!

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EuroDual: Winter Delivery

EuroDual: Winter Delivery

It is with great pleasure that we announce that next Monday, more brand new Stadler EuroDual BR159 models in H0 scale will arrive and be distributed accordingly to orders.

To know wich models and/or versions will be arriving soon, please check the list of references below at the end of this newsletter.

Unfortunately, due to the Red Sea crisis and its threat to global maritime shipping, our in-transit products (such as further EuroDual H0 locomotives, Zacns tank car sets and other Sudexpress products) are expected to suffer significant delays, due to the long and costly detour around the African continent.

Your Sudepxress team

Items out for delivery:

  • DB Cargo 159 240
    • S1592409 - AC digital version *NEW*
    • S1592408 - AC with Sound + Panto (Premium line) *NEW*
    • S1592400 - DC with Sound + Panto (Premium line) *NEW*
  • BSAS 159 209
    • S1592099 - AC digital version *NEW*
  • Starkenberger 159 212
    • S1592129 - AC digital version *NEW*
    • S1592120 - DC with Sound + Panto (Premium line) *NEW*
  • Green Cargo ED9002
    • SED90029 - AC digital version *NEW*
  • HLG 159 216
    • S1592169 - AC digital version *NEW*
  • MEG 159 217
    • S1592179 - AC digital version *NEW*
  • Ecco-rail 159 214
    • S1592149 - AC digital version *NEW*
    • S1592140 - DC with Sound + Panto (Premium line) *NEW*
  • BELog 159 238
    • S1592389 - AC digital version *NEW*
    • S1592380 - DC with Sound + Panto (Premium line) *NEW*
  • Captrain 159 102
    • S1591029 - AC digital version *NEW*

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 New Year, New CP Coaches!

New Year, New CP Coaches!

The new year 2024 finally brings the long-awaited CP Schindler coaches in H0 scale!
Starting at the end of February, two new sets of coaches will be sold monthly. Check the list below to find out which set references will be released each month.
Don't forget to contact your usual store or Sudexpress reseller for any questions and to make your pre-orders now as stocks are limited!

Sincerely, Your Sudexpress team.

Set Ref.: S1101
Set Ref.: S1102

Set Ref.: S1103
Set Ref.: S1104

Set Ref.: S1105
Set Ref.: S1106

Set Ref.: S1107
Set Ref.: S1108

Set Ref.: S1109
Set Ref.: S1110

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Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

In this season of peace and joy, even if it unfortunately doesn't extend to the whole world, we want to thank all our customers, partners, and fans for all the support that have been given us throughout this year.
Our promise is that we will be back in 2024, with all the strength and ambition to deliver much more and better products to you all.

The Sudexpress Team would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2024.

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18x Innofreight GigaWood

18x Innofreight GigaWood

All 18 Innofreight GigaWood Sggmrrs 90' versions announced in our novelty catalogue 2023-2024 from page 64 to 71 are available and ready for immediate delivery!

Don't miss out the chance to acquire some of the 8 brand new GigaWood versions or to finally get one of the 10 previously sold out versions, that is pending in your wish-list for so long!

Download the high resolution official photos of all 18 wagons in our Flickr gallery.

Your Sudepxress team.

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